Saturday, November 12, 2011

# 42 - A Role Model of Good Health?

I received a message on my phone last night from my granddaughter, the one whom you might remember is my greatest supporter. She asked, "Savta, do you have any cantaloupe and cottage cheese in the house? And do you have a piece of pomegranate too? If you have, can you please make some for me to take to school? I'd like to eat healthy like you."
I was flabbergasted. Was I suddenly a role model of good eating? I've been called a role model of good middot (character traits), B"H, a role model for my charity activities, a role model for my dedication to the Land and People  of Israel, and a role model for my journalistic endeavors over the past 30 years, but I had never been a role model for healthy living.
Now I feel a big responsibility on my shoulders. I'm going to try to keep living right, eating right, exercising right and show my family that heathy living is the best living. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Good (success!) , which I know you will achieve.
