Just about the only thing not included in my daily schedule is Time for Sharon. I don't have time to read a book, or just sit on the porch, or cut up vegetables, or make healthy food or take a walk.
Today the Efrat Women's Health Center social worker Alizah Shapiro told me I had to schedule some time for me.
Alizah said that I'm not the only one who lives like this. It's more or less a mother's syndrome. We're caregivers and nurturers and we take care of everyone but ourselves. So, although my dearest mother (may she live and be well until 120) told me the same thing, and my brilliant sister did too, this time I'm going to try to listen.
The Calendar Rules
I live by my daily calendar. I have too. In order to do all the work, community and fun activities in which I'm involved, I have to keep my calendar very accurate and very detailed. So I'm going to start by scheduling in Sunday and Tuesday mornings for cutting up vegetables. And I'll try to get a walk in there during the week too. I'll keep you posted.
Take the Steps
I'm working on a deadline for my magazine Voices, www.voices-magazine.com or http://voices-magazine.blogspot.com, this week, so I don't have time for anything, let alone walking. Some working people get by their deadlines and time constraints by walking to work, or once their in their office building they climb the stairs to their offices. But I work from home, so I don't have to walk anywhere, and my office is one ground floor, so there are no steps.
Alizah asked me today if I have any steps in my house. I do. She suggested, when you're really bogged down with work, and you can't get away, stop for a few minutes and walk up and down the steps in your house. See how many you can do, and then challenge yourself to do more.
You know what? I liked that idea, and I'm actually going to try it.
Good luck to anyone who's trying to organize their life. I hope you succeed. You deserve it.
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