Fiber helps you feel full, regulates your stomach and helps prevent all kinds of diseases.
Judy asked anyone who gets enough fiber to raise her hand....one. Not good.
She said we could find fiber in whole grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Okay, that doesn't sound too hard. Tomorrow, IY"H, I start my search for fiber.

Vegetables are very low in calories and also fight against all kinds of diseases. You really can never eat too many vegetables. I mean, did you ever hear anyone say, "I gained two pounds this week because I ate two many vegetables?" Um...no.
You can steam them, puree them, chop them, grill them, bake them, dry them, sautee them or even dip them, but you've got to eat those vegetables to be really healthy. Hey, you can even eat them raw, and give it a fancy name "crudite".

Water is underrated and under-loved. Judy said that anytime you feel hungry or tired, drink water. It can decrease your appetite, help you burn body fat, help you maintain your energy level. You may not even be thirst, but your body needs a lot of water winter, spring, summer or fall.
I'm not a big fan of water, but I decided to make myself seltzer to keep by my desk every day. How will I know I've had enough? I guess when I burp about 100 times, sort of like the 10,000 steps program - 100 burps to a healthier life.
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