Okay, I understand the concept. Nutritionist Judy Kizer told us, "Eat less. Move more."
I can eat less, or at least I'm trying to do that (until I chance to be in the kitchen or at a simcha or in a restaurant or...). But to move more...
When I had my first meeting with Dr. Tzipi Morris of the Efrat Women's Health Center, she said that the goal of each person should be to walk 10,000 steps.
Walking is good for your state of mind, your blood pressure, your heart, your weight, your life. I know this cerebral-ly. Now I have to somehow incorporate the walking thing in my life.
Dr. Tzipi gave me a pedometer and said, "Play a game with yourself. Every day, try to increase my 250 steps."
Well, that sounded great. But I've been a very giant steps failure. I think I fall into the couch potato category.
On Sunday July 1oth, I walked 2487 steps.
On Monday July 11th, I walked 3506 steps. Yay.
On Tuesday July 12th, my pedometer said 2676 steps, but I had a wedding that night and the pedometer didn't match my outfit or my jewelry, so I didn't wear it. But I did dance!!
On Wednesday July 13th, I clocked 5153 steps, but that included our Zumba class, so does that count?
On Thursday July 14th, I walked 2137 steps. Not so hot.
And on Friday July 15th, my pedometer read 1733 steps before I took it off for Shabbat. Then again, on Friday, I went swimming for two hours. I did about 30 laps, so while I wasn't walking, I did fit into the category of Move More.
Still, today, I'm at my computer all day, and I don't see any walking opportunities. Actually, I went to work right away and didn't even put on the pedometer.
You know what? I'm going to get that pedometer. It's at least 20 steps to my room and back, maybe even 40. Hm, I'm feeling better already.
Thanks for your postings! you are so-o-o not alone... i can handle resisting some of those bad food choices, but the moving? why move - its hot and sweaty. why move - i can sit here and accomplish some more. but i know i have to - i just cant get going. keep posting, maybe it'll actually get me up from this chair :)