Monday, April 16, 2012

# 64 - Passing Over the Nosh on the Holidays

We were back in the Efrat Women's Health Center tonight after having been away for about two weeks for Passover vacation. It seems like it's been forever. After our exercise class with Daphne Kupietzky, we sat down with our nutritionist Judy Kizer and our social worker Aliza Shapiro to evaluate how we did over the Pesach holiday.We all agreed that Pesach had been difficult. Our family members were eating all the time, and while we were sitting around with our gangs, everyone was munching Pesach cookies, cake, nuts and junk. The worst days for me (and probably everyone else) were the last two - two days in a row of non-stop holiday/Shabbat meals. It was very difficult...actually, nearly impossible not to reach in for those Pesach chocolate bars, among other Passover favorites.
Although it was indeed not easy to eat healthily when the kids were opening their tenth bag of potato chips and cousin Chaya was smiling over her Pesach-cheese cake, we all noticed that we had done our best to realize what we were and were not eating.
Judy and Aliza were thrilled. "Look at last Pesach, and compare it to this Pesach," they said. "There was a big  change. Last Pesach you weren't even thinking about whether something was a healthy choice or not. And look at your list of abandoned foods. No chocolate. No margarine. No candy."Pesach wasn't easy for me or my buddies, but suddenly I felt very proud that in the last eight months I had made so many changes in my life that my Pesach really was healthier and more successful (in the food department).B"H, it is indeed possible to keep healthy over the holidays. We passed over the nosh for the fruits and vegetables, and we're feeling pretty good about it.If you succeeded too, give yourself the credit you deserve (and maybe some cash too for a great reward).

1 comment:

  1. Guys, it is so sad that people really love eating junk food! We all like it in a way, but does someone know how life-shortening that is?!
    We should not allow our kids to stuff themselves with chips, hamburgers, and fast food.

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