Sunday, August 28, 2011
# 21 - Fresh Air, Sunshine, Picnic Panics

Saturday, August 13, 2011
# 20 - How to Keep that Morning Feeling

I try to get up earlier too, so that I can start my day a tad earlier and regain some of my lost evening time.
So my eyelids flicker at 7:50 am and I make sure I'm out of bed by 8, IY'H.

I hope it's going to be a productive day, a day with happy family moments popping up here and there, a day for a hi-and-bye with friends, and even a healthy day.
Truthfully I can't possibly accomplish all I hope for during the day, and inevitably my work is going to pile up. Oh joy, not.
Besides that, it's morning, and I haven't even gotten to the kitchen yet. I can anticipate eating healthy foods all day, getting a little sun, chalking up a load of steps, but it's only that morning feeling of positive inspiration. So how do you keep that morning feeling going? I have no idea, but I'm going to try.
First I think I will go to the mirror, make a big smile, and hope for good things.
If you've got any ideas, please let me know. And if I do succeed in keeping that great morning optimism going all day, I'll let you know.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
# 19 - Going Up or Going Down

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
# 18 - Family Support
NO. NO. No, none of the above are easy.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
# 17 - A New Pedometer Sweeps Clean

They say that if you don't like the grades your child gets in school, switch tutors. If you don’t like the doctor’s advice, switch doctors. A new broom sweeps clean. Any other appropriate sayings?
Well, I was feeling really bad that I couldn't rack up more steps every day. Of course, I wasn't walking the miles to do it, but I was looking for little achievements. :) And with my busy schedule I thought I was doomed to low mileage (which for a car is great, but for a woman is very unhealthy).
Then last week at the Efrat Women's
Since I got my new pedometer, so far each day, B'H, I have made more than 3500 steps. 3500 was couch potato, remember?
On Friday when I turned off my pedometer for the Shabbat, I had made 5580 steps. That's a record for me. Say hooray.
# 16 - Wonder of Wonders

It tells you that you can sleep better with a spider plant giving off more oxygen in your room, and you can get rid of mold with a peace lily. You can look 10 years younger by wearing colorful nail polish, and you can do better in college by sitting next to the window. Wow!
Women who read this magazine must have wonderful lives.
Good Intentions
I mean, this one smiley woman said, "Honestly, I lost 15 pounds in 17 days." 15 pounds in 17 days, that's unbelievable.
I've given up chocolate and cheese doodles and working late and don't forget, I'm trying to take more steps every day (it's 3:23 PM and the pedometer says 3863 - I've already passed the couch potato, yay!!!!), and I'm grateful if I lose a pound a week and then I flip through the magazine and I see this lady who says "I've gone down 3 dress sizes this month alone."
So how does all that make me feel?
I'm happy for all these ladies. I'm glad that by wearing green, laughing more, walking in the sun, eating yogurt, making friends and all kinds of other things , you'll lose weight.
And I hope to add, not just one of these tips into my life, but all of them, plus the advice of the Women's Health Center, because every week I'm learning some new way to make my life healthier too. Then watch out.
Well, gotta run ... To eat my yogurt.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
# 15 - Eating Healthy - Try It, You'll Like It or Some of It

# 14 - Applause!!

Monday, August 1, 2011
# 13 - Look the Part
But more than anything else. We're getting into the health shvung.
Clothes Make the Woman

You might think these clothes are silly, but they honestly help to encourage a good work out and get you into the healthy frame of mind. They say, "I'm serious about my exercising. I want to make my exercising fun."
I guess in time I'll have my special work out outfit too. Of course, mine will probably be bright pink, instead of black. (No, I won't show you a photo.)