Besides being in perfect shape, and bouncing during all the moves, one thing gave them away as "Pros" immediately.
They clapped really loudly.
You know, one two three - kick? One two three - back?
Well, our instructor Daphne Kupietzky wanted us to add a clap. One two three - kick/clap. One two three - back/clap.
Now, I ask you, if you have been exercising for 30 minutes, and you're just dragging yourself and hoping to still stay alive, can you start kicking your leg up and clapping? You're happy to be vertical altogether, now really!
But the three instructors in the room were going full energy. One two three - kick/clap. One two three - back/clap.
And then I realized what one has to do in order to be an instructor. In addition to learning the routine, you have to learn to clap loudly. Everyone else is barely breathing, so to keep the excitement up, you've got to do the clapping for everyone. It's a real talent, but it's the clap that makes the difference.
I've been thinking of carrying a concealed recorder in the waste band of my skirt. It would be movement activated, and as soon as I kicked, it would set off the sound effects of the "clap."
If that won't work, I'm going to mike the instructor. Then again, her claps are so loud, you probably heard them wherever you are.
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