Last week when I got on the scale at the Efrat Women's Health Center my BMI popped up as 32.
I didn't remember if that was good or bad. I've been spending the last ten months of my life learning to: eat better, exercise more, develop healthier habits and live a fuller fitter life.
I remember seeing my BMI when I began, and checking to see what it meant. It was 38 - humongously incredibly pathetically overweight.
Oy vey. Scary!!
I never wanted to see that number again, so I've done what I could under the guidance of the Efrat Women's Health Center to get my physical life in order.
This morning I had a minute to look up the meaning of my BMI: 32.
Well, see the chart below -
BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
With a BMI of 32, I guess I still have a long way to go. I'm not discouraged and I'm not sad. I never aimed at being skinny, just regular and healthy. I wanted to be able to try on a One Size Fits All blouse and have it fit me. I wanted to be an active energy-packed woman/mother/grandmother.
I have B"H achieved all that and more. I feel better, dance better, run better and all-around function better.
So my BMI is 32. Not so good. But, I won't sweat it. I'll just sweat some more on the treadmill and on the dance floor.
BMI goal one day, IY"H - 29.9!!
Photo by Rebecca Flash Kowalsky,
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