But tonight I must have looked in the fridge, freezer and pantry a dozen times, looking for a crunch.
I could have given in and had a brownie or some cookies or washed my hands to sit down to matzah with cream cheese and jelly, but I kept control, B"H, and stuck to my walnuts and dates, then drank a cup of lemon tea.
I've had to think several times during this holiday about what it is that motivates me to eat healthily.
Here's what I've been thinking:
** When I eat healthily, I feel fitter.
** Since I've started losing weight, I look better.
** Since I look and feel better, I smile more. I act more confidently. I actually feel proud of myself.
** Since I have shown myself that I can change my life habits in a positive way, B"H, I realize that many other dreams that I have can come true. That's a very empowering thought.
** Since I've lost weight, I have to plan on buying some new clothing. And new clothes make everyone happy.
** Getting fit makes me feel younger, and act younger (not too young). I like being able to run and play with my little grandchildren, and I like hearing that my children's friends think I'm very with it.
** Feeling fitter prepares me to gather my strength to take new challenges.
I just figured out what motivates me to stick with the Efrat Women's Health Center program - I want to be the best and healthiest me possible.
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