For the past few weeks everyone from my dearest Mother (ad 120) to the lighting man on my newest show - http://www.damesofthedance.voices-magazine.com/, http://www.facebook.com/damesofthedance - said I look great, B"H. I started feeling, "Hey, I look great, B"H. Hooray for me."
Well...Never get too cocky or full of yourself. We should have learned that in our weekly meetings.
But don't worry. I learned my lesson.
I went today to get measured for a costume for my new show. The seamstress took out her tape measure, wrote down my measurements, looked at the chart and said, "I'm sorry. You're off the chart. I'll have to improvise."
Off the charts???!!!! Carumba, if I thought I was just one-of-the-gals now in the size department, I guess I have a way to go.
That's okay. I had a twinge of sadness after she said that today, but then I realized, I'm in this for the long haul. I don't have to be skinny today (just because I'm a Wellness graduate). I don't even have to be skinny tomorrow. In fact, I never have to be skinny. I just want to be healthy. And if I'm a pinch-able healthy lady, that's okay too. My seamstresses will have to come up with a new pattern for me. I don't think they'll mind.
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