# 32 - Let Someone Else Enjoy It
My dearest mother (may she live and be well until 120) was visiting me for the past month. It was wonderful, B"H.
Yesterday in preparation for her return home, she made me take every single skirt and suit out of my closet. She had me pile them on the bed and then try on every single piece of clothing. Then she pronounced the sentence: lovely, throw it out, pass it along, ask ___ if she'd like it. If an outfit was beautiful, but too big on me, my mother would say, "Let someone else enjoy it." "But I like it." "You've already enjoyed it. Let someone else enjoy it."
My someone-else pile grew higher as the hours passed.
At first I felt unhappy to give away my beautiful clothing. Then I felt afraid that one day G-d forbid I'd need them again. Then I felt jealous of the person who would get it. Then I felt happy that when I was larger (a few months ago :) ) I had such lovely clothing, and now they would make someone else look beautiful. I was on to smaller clothing that would hopefully make me look even more beautiful. And I was determined never to wear those sizes again. May G-d help me to stay on track!!
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