And everything about America is big, more correctly, supersized! EVERYTHING!! The cars are giant monster vehicles. Everyone has this giant vehicle bigger than the next. In Israel we sometimes see SUVs but they are nothing compared to this. It is normal here to drive a car bigger and higher than a hummer. I don't even know how folks climb in. And of course their parking spaces are supersized here too. No squishing like at home.
Yes, America is supersized from the cars to the food to the people. I mean do you blame anyone here for being giant when the country's culture is actually telling then be giant. Nothing in America is ever done in a small way. So, even in the food department - the soda and iced tea bottles are so heavy that you have to work out in a gym for a month in order to lift them.

There are thousands if variety of cakes and candies and they all look scrumpdiddily-icious. Besides that they're all on display right up front screaming, "Buy Me, Eat Me." Anyone who can resist them is made of steel.
Supersized is everything in America. It's the reason people make giant opulent weddings they can't afford and buy houses that are too big for their pocketbooks or their needs. In fact I believe I can clearly state that
Supersized is everything in America. It's the reason people make giant opulent weddings they can't afford and buy houses that are too big for their pocketbooks or their needs. In fact I believe I can clearly state that
the entire crash of the American economy is because over the past 60 years post World War II America was conditioned to be bigger in every way.
Hope for the Supersized

Therefore in an overeating obese society it is funny and hopeful to see a new trend - the 100 calorie snack box. They've trained you here to eat every CHAZAREI possible, but folks are finding out here that their supersize is killing them. Since everyone wants to live long they're trying to figure out how to have all the good stuff but lose weight at the same time.
So some brilliant genius came up with the 100 calorie snack. Does anyone remember LAYS potato chips? They used to say, "Lays - no one can eat just one." How true that is. But here they have Lays and every other kind of potato chip in 100 calorie snack packs.
Cookies, candy, chocolate, chips, nuts, everything in 100 calorie packs. Now I guess that works as long as you don't eat 10 100 calorie packs a day. I hope in addition to those 100 calorie packs, they're also eating fruits and vegetables too.
So some brilliant genius came up with the 100 calorie snack. Does anyone remember LAYS potato chips? They used to say, "Lays - no one can eat just one." How true that is. But here they have Lays and every other kind of potato chip in 100 calorie snack packs.
Cookies, candy, chocolate, chips, nuts, everything in 100 calorie packs. Now I guess that works as long as you don't eat 10 100 calorie packs a day. I hope in addition to those 100 calorie packs, they're also eating fruits and vegetables too.
But, then again, I can't worry about all Americans, I'm too busy worrying about all Israelis.
Good health to all!
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